Advanced STANAG 4609 file and low latency live stream FMV player & recorder. The player has some enhanced capabilities like Situational Awareness features, Metadata overlay, Pixel to Geo tools, annotations, etc.
KlvInspector provides in-depth insight into the STANAG 4609 MISB 0601.12 KLV metadata. It is an essential tool for UAV video applications development, integration and testing.
Stream Recaster server. Recast a large number of streams. UDP/TCP/SRT/Unix Domain Sockets in -> UDP/TCP/SRT out.
Packet capture. Promiscuous mode. Input streams monitoring.
Create, process, and re-broadcast STANAG 4609 streams. Detect and inject stream errors. Secure stream contribution to the cloud via SRT. Perform stream monintoring and other STANAG stream processing tasks.
A tool designed to ensure the integrity and reliability of MPEG-TS and STANAG 4609 streams by providing real-time monitoring and detailed analysis of stream health.
STANAG 4609 Metadata insertion into TS over UDP streams. Re-broadcasting and recording. RAW Klv or on-the-fly recording from JSON.
Console application (utility) for exporting MISB metadata and video frames. Klv packets (both RAW and JSON decoded) may be saved to disk or sent over UDP. Video Frame / Klv Packet Sync.
LiveStreamer is a command line utility that can re-stream (in loop) STANAG 4609 files, restamping PCR/DTS/PTS values, to emulate live streams. The utility is useful during SW development, testing and integration.
Metadata processing tool for transcoding of various telemetry metadata formats into MISB 0601.8 compliant RAW KLV used for metadata insertion into Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Imagery.
STANAG 4609 / TS Recorder application. FMV multicast recording, KLV decoding, live metadata transcoding/export, KLV to COT transcoding.