YAML format
YAML Format: The configuration file should strictly adhere to the YAML syntax and formatting rules. This includes using appropriate indentation levels and properly structuring key-value pairs and lists.
Indentation Consistency: Maintain consistent indentation throughout the file. Choose either spaces or tabs for indentation and stick to the chosen style consistently. Mixing spaces and tabs can lead to syntax errors.
Careful Editing: When making changes to the configuration file, pay close attention to the indentation. Ensure that child elements are indented correctly under their parent elements, and there are no extra spaces or tabs.
Validation: After editing the configuration file, it is recommended to validate it using a YAML validator or a YAML parser. This can help identify any syntax errors or indentation-related issues that could cause problems when the file is processed.
By exercising caution and adhering to the correct YAML syntax and indentation rules, you can help prevent issues with the configuration file and ensure that the launcher can successfully interpret and utilize the provided settings.