Command line arguments
Name | Description | Default |
-addr | Frontend address served by internal HTTP server. Use localhost or if you want the server to be accessible on the network. | |
-missionName | Mission Name | "Mission" |
-channelName | Channel (Sensor) name | "E0" |
-url | Stream url | "udp://" |
-multicastIface | The network interface on which to join the multicast group. Multiple interfaces can be specified by separating them with commas. (e.g. "eth0,eth1" on Linux or "" on Windows.). If not provided, the first one will be used | |
-iceServers | ICE Servers | "" |
-poster | Poster image. The poster image specifies an image to be displayed while the video is not present or is downloading. This image also defines the initial aspect ratio of the player. | posterGray.jpg in a server's web root directory |
-timeout | Stream timeout detection in milliseconds. Switch to Timeout state. | 4000 |
-offlineAfter | Switch to Offline state after the stream has been lost for this period of time (in milliseconds). | 30000 |
-videoBitrate | Video Bitrate. In case of transcoding, it specifies the video bitrate | 4000000 |
-videoResolution | Video resolution. In case of transcoding, it specifies the video resolution, like 720x480. You can provide width only ("720" or "720x"), the height will be set automatically, based on video's aspect ratio. If nothing is provided, the source resolution will be set | "" |
-videoPassthrough | Passthrough video, without re-encoding. When this flag is present, videoBitrate and videoResolution parameters are not used and videoCodecName is set to "h264" | false |
-noKlv | Source stream does not have KLV. Video only | false |
-klvSampling | KLV metadata sampling interval in milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable sampling. | 0 |
-syncPipeline | Synchronize with the clock of the pipeline. | false |
-useCapture | Use capture card as video source | false |
-videoCaptureDevice | A video capture device. If not specified, the video capture device will be selected automatically | "" |
-accessControlAllowOrigin | CORS Access Control Allow Origin | "*" |
-testFile | Test video file (raw h264 video) | |
-defaultPacket | Full path to Klv data packet (JSON format) | |
-defaultPacketWatchTime | Watch for changes of default KLV packet file (in milliseconds). | 1000 |
-recorderMode | Recorder mode (hls/mpegts) | "mpegts" |
-recorderTargetDir | Recorder Target Directory. Note, you must provide it, otherwise recording will not be enabled. | "" |
-recorderSegmentDuration | Recorder segment Duration (in sec) | 30 |
-recorderSegmentWrap | Recorder segment wrap counter | 0 |
-recorderTranscode | Transcode video while recording | false |
-recorderVideoResolution | Transcoded Video resolution (for recording) | 720x480 |
-recorderVideoBitrate | Transcoded Video Bitrate (for recording) | 120000 |
-recorderProfile | Transcoding profile (for recording): baseline, main, high" | baseline |
recorderPreset | Transcoding preset (for recording): ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, veryslow". More info on recorderPreset | veryfast |
-recorderPath | Recorder Executable Path. A default recorder is ./ (for Linux) or ./recorderProc.exe (for Windows), so if nothing is specified, the recorder executable will be set according to the OS" | ./ (./recorderProc.exe for Windows) |
Join the udp multicast stream on udp:// and pass-through the h264 video. Make the server accessible at the default localhost:4000. Expect stream with both video and KLV
./stanag2WebRTC -addr localhost:4000 -url udp:// -videoCodecName h264 -videoPassthrough
Receive udp unincast stream on udp:// and transcode it to h264 with the width of 720, keeping aspect ratio by adjusting the height acordingly, with 3Mb/sec bitrate. Make the server accessible at http://localhost:4000. Expect stream without KLV (video only)
./stanag2WebRTC -addr localhost:4000 -url udp:// -channelName EO -videoBitrate 3000000 -videoResolution 720 -noKlv