STANAG Exporter
Version 1.10.2
To save KLV packets as RAW (binary) files you should run the utility with -k or –klvCaptureFormat flag adding rawPckt option.
The above command will read a file "C:\Movie\StanagFile.ts" and save every KLV packet as a bin file with the following naming convention - frame_[Frame number]_klv_[Packet Number]-[KLV Pid Number].bin (for example frame_1_klv_1-0X1E2.bin) where 1 is the corresponding frame / packet number and 0X1E2 is a KLV Pid.
If more than one KLV Pid is present in the stream, the packets will be named accordingly.
You can enable video preview by adding -v flag.
It is possible to set a UDP target instead of saving packets to the disk.
Please note that packets from all Klv Pids will be sent to the same destination.
You can use KlvInspector for Live View and RAW packet stream capture.