STANAG 4609 Player .NET SDK  Version 4.2.1
This chapter shows you how to install the StCore software development kit (SDK) and all the related software you’re likely to need.
Action Description
Install VS 2010 and VS2013 (64 bits) redistributable packages To run the SDK you must have these binaries present on your computer
Make sure you have at least .Net 4.5.2 installed To run the SDK you must have these binaries present on your computer
Copy other binary dependencies to the target directory To run the SDK you must have these dependencies along with the compiled output of your application
Register Direct Show filters Direct Show filters must be registered
Add references SDK assemblies must be referenced in your project
When you install the SDK using a setup, all required VC++ dll are automatically copied to your computer.

Installing the VS re-distributable packages.

You must have VC++ dll in the target directory (or added to Path env). For custom application setup you should either include them or install the following from Microsoft:

Download the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013. This is the latest supported Visual C++ redistributable package for Visual Studio 2013.

Download the Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (Installer). This is the latest supported Visual C++ service pack for Visual Studio 2010.

Copy binaries.

All required binaries can be copied from "C:\Program Files\ImpleoTV\StCore" or "C:\Program Files\ImpleoTV\StanagPlayerSdkNet\bin\x64" directories.

Register Direct Show filters.

Direct Show filters must be registered in your system. For the list of the filters to be registered please see pageFilters.
If you install the SDK using setup application, the filters should already be registered. If for some reason you need to do it manually, perform the following actions:

  • Locate the Direct Show Filters
  • Goto Start -> Run -> Type regsvr32.exe "C:\Location\ of the file\filter.dll" - then Hit Enter
  • It should say it succeeded, if not you likely have to change the path so it is correct. Also, make sure you run the regsvr32.exe utility "as Administrator" on Windows 7 and 10 platforms.

Add References

Add references to KlvPlayer, StCoreWr.dll and KlvBaseTypes.dll and make sure all runtime dependencies dlls are in the target directory.

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