Application launcher and updater.
St-Launcher allows you to install, start/stop and update applications. Commands can be entered manually, using a command prompt or via REST interface, over HTTP.
Getting started
St-Launcher is provided as an executable.
Download links and instructions
St-Launcher supports the following commands:
- Install
- Start
- Stop
- Update
Install an application.
install <version>
If no arguments are provided, the latest application version will be installed, otherwise, St-Launcher* will try to download the specified version.
The following steps will be executed: - Download the installer file from GitHub release to the working directory - Extract the installer files
Note, by default, the installer file will be saved in the current directory. If you want to change the location, please modify the property workingDir in the \data\st-launcher-config.json file. This file will be created on the first run of the application.
Start the application.
The following steps will be executed: - Run startCmd defined in application section of the /data/st-launcher-config.json in the directory specified in the workingDir property
Stop the application.
The following steps will be executed: - Run stopCmd defined in application section of the /data/st-launcher-config.json in the directory specified in the workingDir property
Update the application.
update <version>
If no arguments provided, the latest application version will be installed, otherwise, St-Launcher* will try to download the specified version.
The following steps will be executed:
- Determine the current version of the application
- Determine the latest version of the application
- If the current version is the latest version, the update process will be skipped
- If the current version is not the latest version, the following will be done:
- Download the installer file from GitHub release to the working directory
- Extract the docker-compose.yml file (old file will be renamed and saved as backup)
- Stop the application
- Restart the application
Note, the update function will completely replace the existing docker-compose.yml file, so if you did some manual changes to it, they will be overwritten.
REST interface
By default, the application will run a http server on port 8040 (localhost). If you want to change this, run the application with the following arguments:
'-p', '--port', default: 8040
'--bindIp', default: 'localhost'
'--serverPort', default: 8080
If the current directory contains .env file, the above arguments can be set as environmental variables:
STLAUNCHER_PORT - port to access the launcher
SERVER_PORT - port to access the controlled application