Local network setup

Local network setup is only recommended for testing purposes in local network environment.


If used directly, without reverse proxy, STANAG On Demand Server requires the following ports to be opened:


Port Description
8080 Server Backend and frontend proxy.


For direct udp streams ingress open the ports specified in the platforms configuration, for example:

Port Description
30120-30130 (udp) Stream channels udp ports - default platform configuration

For SRT ingress open the ports specified in the srt listener, for example:

Port Description
4200-4010 (udp) Stream channels srt listener ports

For live streaming, enable the following ports:

Port Description
4000 - ... Video stream start port (Web RTC stanag2webrtc mode). Open more ports in the range for every additional channel
9010 - ... Video stream start port (low latency over websockets mode). Open more ports in the range for every additional channel

Stream Monitor

Port Description
8065 Stream Monitor
9001 MQTT over Websocket

1. Create a local folder (for example, ~/stserver/).

Create a new folder for the server, change the ownership to your user and then enter the directory you created.

sudo mkdir stserver
sudo chown -R yourUser:yourGroup stserver
cd stserver

2. Download the setup.
Download the stserver-install.tar.gz file from the Stanag On Demand server github repository website or use the command:

wget https://github.com/impleotv/stserver-release/releases/download/v2.10.4/stserver-install.tar.gz

Extract files:

tar -xvf stserver-install.tar.gz

3. In a terminal, change the directory to the location of docker-compose.yml file.

4. Edit .env file.

In the .env file, there are some directories where the content will be stored, like ~/videos/. Create the directories and make sure the server (Docker) has the permission to write to these directories.

Configure the environmental variables:

Disable revese proxy in the .env file:


5. Start all the services by running docker-compose:

    docker compose up -d

or, if you have an old version of Docker Compose, run

    docker-compose up -d

When you run this for the first time, docker will download the required images and start containers.

When the docker finishes downloading and starts the containers, restart the server.

    docker compose down  
    docker compose up -d

That's it! the server should be running now!