Installing StServer with st-launcher
1. Download and save it to a local folder (for example, ~/stserver/).
Here are the Download links and instructions
2. Make sure is executable
sudo chmod +x
3. Run it
~/stserver$ ./
4. Enter install command
Starting st-launcher. Ver. 1.0.0
st-launcher started: Ctrl-C to exit.
Enter command (install/start/stop/update/quit):
Command: install
5. Wait until installation is complete, and edit .env file, if needed.
6. Make sure the server has access permissions to the folders (like /videos/, etc defined in the .env files). Create them, if needed.
7. Start the server.
Enter command (install/start/stop/update/quit):
Command: start
When you run this for the first time, docker will download all the required images and start containers.
Note, after reboot, the Server will start automatically, no need to use st-launcher to start it (except for the first time).
You may also consider making running after reboot, so StServer could be updated via front-end (from the admin page). Any method that allows execution on reboot will do. For example, you can use crontab.
That's it! the server should be running now!
You can also install and run the server manually, without st-launcher.