STANAG Exporter  Version 1.10.2
Recasting klv packets over RS232 interface.

Recasting over Serial interface

To extract KLV packets as RAW (binary) buffers and send them over RS232, run the utility with -k or –klvCaptureFormat flag adding rawPckt option. Specify RS232 target by providing –rs232Out flag set to true (true can be omitted, as it is defaulted to true when you select –rs232Out target) For example:*

StExporterProc.exe -i "udp://" -f none -k rawPckt --rs232Out --rs232Port COM2 --licenseFile MyStExporter.lic --licenseKey 915AA6C5-00452539-333AB4F2-BC0A5358

In this example, we specify –rs232Port COM2. If you don't provide the interface, the first one found will be used.

The above command will listen to a stream at "udp://", extract the KLV packets and send them over serial interface.

You can enable video preview by adding -v flag, or open the Montitor in order to see the decoded Klv information.

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