STANAG Exporter
Version 1.10.2
To save KLV packets as one bin file containing appended packets you should run the utility with -k or –klvCaptureFormat flag adding rawFile option.
The above command will read a file "C:\Movie\StanagFile.ts" and add KLV packets to the resulting binary file with the following naming convention - klvs_[KLV Pid Number].bin (for example klvs_0X1E2.bin) where 0X1E2 is a KLV Pid. This command will perform data demultiplexing.
If more than one KLV Pid is present in the stream, there will be a corresponding number of files.
You can enable video preview by adding -v flag.
In order to capture Klv packets from UDP network stream, specify the url as input.
StExporterProc.exe -i udp:// -o "C:\Movie\frames" -k rawFile