STANAG On Demand  Version 1.1.4


In order to install the server you have to make sure that the dependencies are installed and properly configured. The easiest way is to use the provided PowerShell script (your PC must be connected to the Internet).

PowerShell setup

The install script (installServer.ps1) uses Chocolatey package manager, so you must have it installed on your PC. If you don't, open the cmd (as admin) and run the following command:

@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

More on Chocolatey installation

Now, you can run the installServer.ps1 script.

The script will perform the following actions:

  • Download and install:
    • Notepad++
    • Visual Studio C++ re-distributable packages (2010 32/64 bit)
    • Visual Studio C++ re-distributable packages (2013 32/64 bit)
    • Visual Studio C++ re-distributable packages (2015 32/64 bit)
    • Google Chrome
    • Robo 3t
    • 7zip
    • Redis
    • Nodejs (with Forever daemon and Http-server)
    • MongoDB
    • StanagOnDemand server
    • UAWall web app
  • Create the DB folder (at C:\Data).
  • Install MongoDB as Windows service and run it.
  • Run Redis server
  • Start StanagOnDemand on port 80
  • Start UAWall on port 8080
  • Open Chrome pages for StanagOnDemand and UAWall

Note, by running the script you agree to the licensing terms of the above SW.


In order to operate a STANAG On Demand Server you must have the following software installed on your machine:

  1. MongoDB.

These instructions assume that you have installed MongoDB to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\

Note, there were many breaking changes in MongoDB ver. 3.6, so it won't work with the server. For now, please use ver. 3.4

  • Create directory C:\Data\ and 2 subdirectories C:\Data\db and C:\Data\log
  • Create mongodb.conf file in C:\Data\ directory containing the following:
destination: file
path: c:\data\log\mongod.log
dbPath: c:\data\db

Note, you may need to edit it if you have other MongoDB version or installation path)

  • Install the MongoDB service by starting mongod.exe with the -install option and the -config option to specify the previously created configuration file.
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe" --config C:\Data\mongodb.conf --install

Start the service:

net start MongoDB
  1. Install Visual Studio C++ re-distributable packages:
  2. If you use a Windows Server, enable Desktop experience and Media Foundation features.
  3. To be able to access your server from outside you must configure a firewall. Add nodejs (C:\Program Files\nodejs) to the firewall rules.
  4. For live low latency more install and run Redis


Extract the files from the setup zip file and run the installation:

Setup Dialog

There are 2 installation options:

  • Offline setup. Default method. You can use this one event if your computer is not connected to the Internet.
  • Online setup. If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can run an online setup. The latest 3rd party modules will be downloaded from npm servers.
    You may need to manually build the Edge module.
    Please use the Nodejs version that comes with the setup. You can install it separately. Forever daemon can be installed globally (preferred). If you're installing the server offline it is possible to get it copied locally. In this case, the daemon won't be globally accessible, so you may need to set a PATH environment accordingly. No need to install Node.js, Forever.js or ImpleoTV decoder if they are already present in your system.
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