MISB 0903 Converter Library  Version 2.0.7
Sample Code - MISB 0903 Converter Demo Application (C++)
// STD0903DemoApp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <comutil.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "ISTD0903Conv.h"
#include "Windows.h"
#include <Oleauto.h>
#include <OaIdl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#ifdef _DEBUG
# pragma comment(lib, "comsuppwd.lib")
# pragma comment(lib, "comsuppw.lib")
# pragma comment(lib, "wbemuuid.lib")
#define TARGET_PACKS 1
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4482)
using namespace std;
bool exists(const char* path);
void ReadVmtiFileAndShowContent(ISTD0903Converter* pVmtiConv, const char* file);
unsigned char* FillAndEncodeVMTIBuffer(ISTD0903Converter* pVmtiConv, VMTI_Packet* pPckt, size_t& length);
VMTI_Packet* DecodeVMTIBuffer(ISTD0903Converter* pVmtiConv, const unsigned char* pBuf, const size_t length);
VTrackerLDS* CreateVTrackerLDS(unsigned __int64 id);
unsigned char* ReadBinData(const char* path, size_t& l);
void PrintVmtiPacket(ISTD0903Converter* conv, VMTI_Packet* pEncPckt);
void PrintData(VARIANT& vt);
void PrintHierarchyData(ISTD0903Converter* conv, VTargetPackTag tag, VARIANT& vt);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
size_t length;
unsigned char* pBuf;
// NOTE, Demo version will add a 1 sec delay and will process a limited number of packets only!!!
// Create VMTI Converter
ISTD0903Converter* pVmtiConv = CreateSTD0903Converter();
pVmtiConv->ConfigureEncoder(74, false);
// Sample 1. Read from file, doecode and show the content
if (argc < 2)
cout << "No bin file argument provided";
string path = argv[1]; //"\\VmtiTest.bin";
if (exists(path.c_str()))
ReadVmtiFileAndShowContent(pVmtiConv, path.c_str());
cout << "File " << path << " not found";
// Sample 2. Create the VMTI_Packet
VMTI_Packet* pEncPckt = new VMTI_Packet();
// Encode VMTI buffer
pBuf = FillAndEncodeVMTIBuffer(pVmtiConv, pEncPckt, length);
// Examine the content
PrintVmtiPacket(pVmtiConv, pEncPckt);
delete pEncPckt;
// Sample 3. Decode it back
cout << "Decode Packet";
VMTI_Packet* pDecPckt = DecodeVMTIBuffer(pVmtiConv, pBuf, length);
// Examine the content
cout << "Examine the content";
PrintVmtiPacket(pVmtiConv, pDecPckt);
// Delete decoded packet
delete pDecPckt;
// Delete converter
delete pVmtiConv;
return 0;
void ReadVmtiFileAndShowContent(ISTD0903Converter* pVmtiConv, const char* filePath)
size_t l;
// Read sample buffer
unsigned char* sampleBuf = ReadBinData(filePath, l);
// Create the VMTI packet to hold the decoded data
VMTI_Packet* pPcktDec = new VMTI_Packet();
// Decode the buffer
pVmtiConv->Decode(sampleBuf, l, pPcktDec);
// If you only need to decode a payload (your buffer does not contain key and length fields, use the DecodePayload method.
//pVmtiConv->DecodePayload(sampleBuf + 3, l - 3, pPcktDec);
// Or, if a buffer contains a payload only
//pVmtiConv->DecodePayload(sampleBuf, l, pPcktDec);
// Examine the content
PrintVmtiPacket(pVmtiConv, pPcktDec);
// Delete Packet
delete pPcktDec;
// Delete sampleBuf
delete sampleBuf;
// Create and encode VMTI packet
unsigned char* FillAndEncodeVMTIBuffer(ISTD0903Converter* pVmtiConv, VMTI_Packet* pPckt, size_t& length)
//unsigned __int64 uval_64 = 1231798102000000; // Convert UNIX Time Stamp (Tag 2) to 8 bytes (unsigned int64) LDS
// or just set a current time
pPckt->SetVmtiSystemName("Test System");
pPckt->SetVmtiSourceSensor("EO Nose");
// Create TARGET_PACKS target packs
for (int i = 0; i < TARGET_PACKS; i++)
// Create a target pack and set the values
VTargetPack* pvPack1 = new VTargetPack(27 + i, 3);
pvPack1->SetTargetCentroidPixel(409600); // Tag 1
pvPack1->SetBoundingBoxTopLeftPixel(409600); // Tag 2
pvPack1->SetBoundingBoxBottomRightPixel(409600); // Tag 3
pvPack1->SetTargetPriority(1); // Tag 4
pvPack1->SetTargetConfidenceLevel(80); // Tag 5
pvPack1->SetNewDetectionFlag((unsigned short)4); // Tag 6
pvPack1->SetPercentageOfTargetPixels(50); // Tag 7
pvPack1->SetTargetColor(0x558833); // Tag 8
pvPack1->SetTargetIntensity(13140); // Tag 9
pvPack1->SetTargetLocationLatOffset(10.0); // Tag 10
pvPack1->SetTargetLocationLonOffset(10.0); // Tag 11
pvPack1->SetTargetHeight(1000); // Tag 12
pvPack1->SetBoundingBoxTopLeftLatOffset(-0.5); // Tag 13
pvPack1->SetBoundingBoxTopLeftLonOffset(0.5); // Tag 14
pvPack1->SetBoundingBoxBottomRightLatOffset(-10.0); // Tag 15
pvPack1->SetBoundingBoxBottomRightLonOffset(10.0); // Tag 16
LocationType tLoc = LocationType(43, 110, 10000.0);
pvPack1->SetTargetLocation(tLoc); // Tag 17
// Create VTrackerLDS, set the values and add to the pack
VTrackerLDS* vTLds = CreateVTrackerLDS(10);
delete vTLds; // delete it, we no longer need it.
// Add to the packet
// Encode and return the buffer
return pVmtiConv->Encode(pPckt, length);
VMTI_Packet* DecodeVMTIBuffer(ISTD0903Converter* pVmtiConv, const unsigned char* pBuf, const size_t length)
VMTI_Packet* pPckt = new VMTI_Packet();
pVmtiConv->Decode(pBuf, length, pPckt);
return pPckt;
VTrackerLDS* CreateVTrackerLDS(unsigned __int64 id)
VTrackerLDS* vLds = new VTrackerLDS(id);
// Add Locus (let's set NUMBER_OF_POINTS items)
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_POINTS; i++)
vLds->AddToLocus(LocationType(34.5 + (double)i / 1000.0, 32.0 + (double)i / 1000.0, 10.0));
vLds->SetVelocity(VAType(300.0, 200.0, 100.0));
vLds->SetAcceleration(VAType(0.2, 0.4, 0.6));
return vLds;
void PrintVmtiPacket(ISTD0903Converter* pVmtiConv, VMTI_Packet* pPcktDec)
// Iterate existing local data items
TargetLocalDataIterator ld_it;
for (ld_it = pPcktDec->GetVTargetLocalData().begin(); ld_it != pPcktDec->GetVTargetLocalData().end(); ld_it++)
VTargetLocalDataTag tag = (*ld_it).first;
pPcktDec->DecodeValue(tag, &vt);
cout << "Tag " << tag << " : " << pVmtiConv->TargetLocalDataTagToString(tag) << " - ";
if (tag == VTargetLocalDataTag::UNIX_Time_Stamp)
cout << " (" << pVmtiConv->TargetLocalDataToHRString(tag, vt) << ")";
cout << endl;
// Iterate existing target series items
TargetSeriesIterator ts_it;
for (ts_it = pPcktDec->GetVTargetSeries().begin(); ts_it != pPcktDec->GetVTargetSeries().end(); ts_it++)
VTargetPack* pTargetPack = *ts_it;
TargetPackIterator tp_it;
cout << "\tTarget Id - " << pTargetPack->TargetID << endl;
for (tp_it = pTargetPack->GetVTargetPackItems().begin(); tp_it != pTargetPack->GetVTargetPackItems().end(); tp_it++)
VTargetPackTag tag = (*tp_it).first;
pTargetPack->DecodeValue(tag, &vt);
cout << "\t\tTag " << tag << " : " << pVmtiConv->TargetPackTagToString(tag) << " - ";
if (tag < Target_Location)
PrintHierarchyData(pVmtiConv, tag, vt);
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// Prinf out the data value
void PrintData(VARIANT& vt)
switch (vt.vt)
case VT_BSTR:
cout << (char*)(_bstr_t)vt;
case VT_UI1:
case VT_UI2:
case VT_UI4:
cout << vt.uintVal;
case VT_UI8:
cout << vt.ullVal;
case VT_R4:
cout << vt.fltVal;
case VT_R8:
cout << vt.dblVal;
void PrintHierarchyData(ISTD0903Converter* conv, VTargetPackTag tag, VARIANT& vt)
switch (tag)
case Target_Location:
void* pArrayData = NULL;
SafeArrayAccessData(vt.parray, &pArrayData);
long uBound;
HRESULT hresult;
hresult = SafeArrayGetUBound(vt.parray, 1, &uBound);
if (!FAILED(hresult))
LocationType locus((unsigned char*)pArrayData, (size_t)uBound + 1);
if (locus.GetMode() == LocationMode::GeospatialOnly)
cout << "\tLat: " << locus.Latitude << " Lon: " << locus.Longitude << " Alt: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << locus.Height << std::setprecision(4);
if (locus.GetMode() == LocationMode::GeospatialAndDeviations)
cout << " Sigma Lat: " << locus.SigmaLatitude << " Sigma Lon: " << locus.SigmaLongitude << " Sigma Alt: " << locus.SigmaHeight;
cout << " RhoLatLon: " << locus.RhoLatLon << " RhoLatHt: " << locus.RhoLatHt << " RhoLonH: " << locus.RhoLonHt;
cout << endl;
case VObject:
case VFeature_LDS:
case VTracker_LDS:
void* pArrayData = NULL;
SafeArrayAccessData(vt.parray, &pArrayData);
long uBound;
HRESULT hresult;
hresult = SafeArrayGetUBound(vt.parray, 1, &uBound);
if (!FAILED(hresult))
VTrackerLDS vtLds((char*)pArrayData, uBound);
cout << "(TargetId - " << vtLds.TargetID << ")" << endl;
map<VTrackerLDSTag, VTargetItem*>::iterator it;
for (it = vtLds.m_LDSItems.begin(); it != vtLds.m_LDSItems.end(); it++)
VTrackerLDSTag tag = (*it).first;
if (tag != VTrackerLDSTag::Locus && tag != VTrackerLDSTag::Velocity && tag != VTrackerLDSTag::Acceleration)
cout << "\t\t\tTag " << tag << " : " << conv->TrackerLocalDataTagToString(tag) << " - " << conv->TrackerLocalDataItemToHRString(tag, *(*it).second);
cout << endl;
if (!vtLds.m_Locus.empty())
vector<LocationType>::iterator itLocus;
cout << "\t\t\t\tLocus:" << endl;
cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4);
for (itLocus = vtLds.m_Locus.begin(); itLocus != vtLds.m_Locus.end(); itLocus++)
if (itLocus->GetMode() == LocationMode::GeospatialOnly)
cout << "\t\t\t\tLat: " << itLocus->Latitude << " Lon: " << itLocus->Longitude << " Alt: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << itLocus->Height << std::setprecision(4);
if (itLocus->GetMode() == LocationMode::GeospatialAndDeviations)
cout << " Sigma Lat: " << itLocus->SigmaLatitude << " Sigma Lon: " << itLocus->SigmaLongitude << " Sigma Alt: " << itLocus->SigmaHeight;
cout << " RhoLatLon: " << itLocus->RhoLatLon << " RhoLatHt: " << itLocus->RhoLatHt << " RhoLonH: " << itLocus->RhoLonHt;
cout << endl;
if (vtLds.m_pVelocity){
cout << "\t\t\t\tVelocity:" << endl;
cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4);
if (vtLds.m_pVelocity->GetMode() == VAMode::ComponentOnly)
cout << "\t\t\t\tX: " << vtLds.m_pVelocity->X_Component << " Y: " << vtLds.m_pVelocity->Y_Component << " Z: " << vtLds.m_pVelocity->Z_Component;
if (vtLds.m_pVelocity->GetMode() == VAMode::ComponentAndDeviations)
cout << " Sigma X: " << vtLds.m_pVelocity->SigmaX << " Sigma Y: " << vtLds.m_pVelocity->SigmaY << " Sigma Z: " << vtLds.m_pVelocity->SigmaZ;
cout << " Rho_X_Y: " << vtLds.m_pVelocity->Rho_X_Y << " Rho_X_Z: " << vtLds.m_pVelocity->Rho_X_Z << " Rho_Y_Z: " << vtLds.m_pVelocity->Rho_Y_Z;
cout << endl;
if (vtLds.m_pAcceleration){
cout << "\t\t\t\tAcceleration:" << endl;
cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4);
if (vtLds.m_pAcceleration->GetMode() == VAMode::ComponentOnly)
cout << "\t\t\t\tX: " << vtLds.m_pAcceleration->X_Component << " Y: " << vtLds.m_pAcceleration->Y_Component << " Z: " << vtLds.m_pAcceleration->Z_Component;
if (vtLds.m_pAcceleration->GetMode() == VAMode::ComponentAndDeviations)
cout << " Sigma X: " << vtLds.m_pAcceleration->SigmaX << " Sigma Y: " << vtLds.m_pAcceleration->SigmaY << " Sigma Z: " << vtLds.m_pAcceleration->SigmaZ;
cout << " Rho_X_Y: " << vtLds.m_pAcceleration->Rho_X_Y << " Rho_X_Z: " << vtLds.m_pAcceleration->Rho_X_Z << " Rho_Y_Z: " << vtLds.m_pAcceleration->Rho_Y_Z;
cout << endl;
case VChip_LDS:
// Check if file exists
bool exists(const char* path) {
ifstream f(path);
return f.good();
// Read binary data from file
unsigned char* ReadBinData(const char* path, size_t& l)
unsigned char * buffer;
ifstream is;
is.open(path, ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary | ios::ate);
if (!is.is_open())
printf("File %s not found.", path);
throw "open failed";
// get length of the file:
is.seekg(0, ios::end);
l = is.tellg();
is.seekg(0, ios::beg);
buffer = new unsigned char[l];
is.read((char*)buffer, l);
return buffer;
#pragma warning(pop)
Untitled 1

 Copyright 2018,    IMPLEOTV SYSTEMS LTD