MISB 0903 Converter Library  Version 2.0.7
LocationType Member List

This is the complete list of members for LocationType, including all inherited members.

Decode(unsigned char *pBuf, size_t len) (defined in LocationType)LocationType
Encode(size_t &len) (defined in LocationType)LocationType
GetEncodedBuffer(size_t &len) const (defined in LocationType)LocationTypeinline
GetMode() (defined in LocationType)LocationTypeinline
Height (defined in LocationType)LocationType
Latitude (defined in LocationType)LocationType
LocationType(double lat, double lon, double height) (defined in LocationType)LocationType
LocationType(double lat, double lon, double height, double SigmaLat, double SigmaLon, double SigmaHeight) (defined in LocationType)LocationType
LocationType(double lat, double lon, double height, double SigmaLat, double SigmaLon, double SigmaHeight, double RhoLatLon, double RhoLatHt, double RhoLonHt) (defined in LocationType)LocationType
LocationType(unsigned char *pBuf, size_t len) (defined in LocationType)LocationType
LocationType() (defined in LocationType)LocationType
LocationType(const LocationType &loc) (defined in LocationType)LocationType
Longitude (defined in LocationType)LocationType
RhoLatHt (defined in LocationType)LocationType
RhoLatLon (defined in LocationType)LocationType
RhoLonHt (defined in LocationType)LocationType
SigmaHeight (defined in LocationType)LocationType
SigmaLatitude (defined in LocationType)LocationType
SigmaLongitude (defined in LocationType)LocationType
~LocationType() (defined in LocationType)LocationType
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